LIMCAF Secretariat has released the list of artworks nominated by the local jury in Uyo, South South Centre, for the Grand Finale in Enugu in October. Artists selected are encouraged to immediately go and package their artworks for safe transportation to Enugu. LIMCAF will not be liable for any damage resulting from improper packaging. Please relate with the Centre Coordinator. The final list of the Top 100 artworks for the Grand Finale will be ratified by the National Jury and published at the end of all the regional exhibitions.
Dan Uduak-obong Tony. ‘Raven’s Gift’, Medium: Charcoal on chipboard paper, Category: Painting/mixed media/drawing, Dimension: 120 by 90cm.
Emah Kufreabasi Ibanga. Dynamics of the Other Side: Medium: Discarded refillable white board maker tubes and hot candle gum, and mixed media : Category: Sculpture: Dimension:283cm.
Frank Frank Bassey. Decide, Medium: Firber, Category: sculpture, Dimension: 110cm
Udoh Victor Michael. Enriching the Rich. Medium: Mixed media, Category: Sculpture, Dimension: 115cm.
Umoren Eddidiong Akpanta, Ability, Medium: Fibrer, category: Sculpture, Dimension: 90cm.