# Changelog All Notable changes to `paystack-php` will be documented in this file. Updates should follow the [Keep a CHANGELOG](http://keepachangelog.com/) principles. ## 2.1.22 - 2018-05-15 ### Added - Invoice route ## 2.1.3 - 2017-01-30 ### Changes - Spread logic into several classes for improved Unit Testing ### Added - Event - Fees - Subaccount Route ## 2.0.3 - 2016-12-11 ### Changes - To do a direct register_autoload, include autoload.php ### Deprecated - ~Paystack::registerAutoloader();~ ## 2.0 - 2016-04-26 ### Changes - Calls will return an Object of stdClass or throw a Paystack API/cURL error instead of an array as in version 1 - Root namespace is now Yabacon instead of YabaCon ### Added - Pages - Subscriptions - Use ->fetch to get a single item or call singular form with id/code - Use ->list to get a list of items or call plural form with paging parameters ## 2.0.3 - 2016-12-11 ### Changes - Spread logic into several classes for improved Unit Testing ### Added - Event - Fees ### Added usage of TLSv1.2 CURL default SSL version TLSv1.2 Update Requirements for Curl, OpenSSL and PHP define `CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2` as 6 if not found, to avoid not defined error ## 1.0.2 - 2016-03-10 ### Added usage of TLSv1.2 CURL default SSL version TLSv1.2 Update Requirements for Curl, OpenSSL and PHP define `CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2` as 6 if not found, to avoid not defined error ### Deprecated - Nothing ### Fixed - Nothing ### Removed - Nothing ### Security - Nothing