Skilled Instructors

Learn from qualified and skilled instructors. With us, evey child is a star

Well-rounded Education

Get an education grounded in both character and learning for the leaders of tommorow

STEM Curriculum

Get empowered to take advantage of the future with proper STEM training

State-of-the-art Facilities

Get immersive learning with practical hands-on facilities to entrench learning to a deeper level

About Us

Welcome to Innovative Learning

Shalom Science and Technology Academy (SSTAC) is a school founded to accelerate the development of children with a solid foundation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). It was commissioned in 2016 and since then, it has been applauded as the leading STEM school in Nigeria receiving international and national awards for excellence in STEM education.

SSTAC Is equipped with modern facilities and laboratories including a robotics lab to inculcate hands-on technological skill to the students.

Skilled Instructors

Online Classes

International Certificate

Skilled Instructors

Online Classes

International Certificate

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Our Facilities

School Administrators

Our Solid Hands

Dr. Wilfred Onu (PhD)
Founder Shalom Group of Schools
Professor Mrs Victoria Onu
Director & first female professor of creativity in Africa
Ikechukwu Onu
Director of Finance
Engr. Tochukwu Onu
Director of Administration

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