
About the

PHOCAS Enterprise is bridging the gap in the comprehensive ideology behind on-air content creation and broadcast through an exemplary stream of video and audio media matching areas of broadcast content like:

  • Entertainment programming
  • Educative programming
  • Interactive programming
  • Informative programming

We advertise,
We trade

Providing the service of trade through the transportation of goods and products bought online into the country. Furthermore, our platform is ideal for online Nigerian stores and internal producers who wish to have their products:

  • Traded
  • Advertised
  • Marketed
  • Distributed

More tips

We carry-on similar business which is mainly for products in Nigeria by Nigerian sellers or producers who want to use our platform to market their products.

Playing the middleman for product trading and contracting

  • Labour
  • Equipment/materials
  • Directives
  • Contacts