Thanks for your interest in getting admitted to St. Patricks College, Emene. We have made our admisssion processs easy for you. Just follow the processes below and we shall happily await for your admission into our school.
Follow the steps below to complete your admission application
Enter scratch-off card PIN and serial number appropriately in the field provided.
Once logged in, Fill the admission application form appriopriately.
Print the application form as well as the application slip. Bring along the application slip on the entrance examination day.
Remember to log out once you are done with the portal
Admission Portal
Activities of SPC, Emene
MORAL: Moral is of utmost importance in the college. Since 2010, the following program are obtainable in the college:
Effective moral instruction.
Catechism classes.
Celebration of resumption and vacation masses.
Daily celebration of mass for boarders and staff living in the college.
Weekly confession.
Celebration of first Holy Communion at end of every first term (Dec).
Retreats at least two times every year (Lent and Advent).
Pious societies like Legion of Mary, Guild of St Anthony of Padua, Scripture Union, Charismatics.